February 7, 2010

Thinking About Divorce?

Posted in Divorce tagged at 9:23 pm by demetriagraves

Divorce is a serious matter that affects you emotionally and psychologically, but at the same time, it makes things easier for both husband and wife to break their union and go on with their separate lives. Many of my clients end up making the decision, that going through a divorce is ultimately less painful than remaining in an unhappy and destructive marriage. Why continue to lead miserable lives making each other unhappy? It is a fact that not all married couples end up being together for the rest of their lives. But of course, there are couples who are blessed with happy and content married lives. If you think your marriage is not going anywhere, and you have used all possible options to save it, why not consider divorce?

Divorce is the best solution to solve your marital issues legally. To some people, divorce may sound traumatic especially if there are children involved. My objective in working with divorcing couples, is always to consider the best interests of the children and make this as smooth and pain-free as possible. Looking at divorce in an objective way, it is actually a process of dissolving the marriage yet maintaining the respect between husband and wife. It is also a more acceptable and logical approach to settle other concerns such as child custody, spousal support, distribution of debts and properties. Divorce is a stressful process to withstand, and going through the whole process is even worse. If you are thinking of having a divorce, please get the help of an experienced family law attorney. Divorce lawyers will be there to represent you properly to the court. Also, having legal assistance will lessen your tension in enduring all the legal processes that you have to go through. Getting professional and credible divorce attorneys is important for a speedy and fair settlement.

Are you reluctant to hire a professional family law attorney because you’re concerned that it would cost a fortune? Think about how much you could stand to lose if the divorce doesn’t turn out the way you were expecting. Many people are surprised to discover that going through the whole process of divorce without legal assistance can result in a much  greater cost, such as loss of child custody, spousal support and unfair distribution of properties and debts. The chance of finding yourself on the losing end is high if you are not properly represented in the court. You don’t have to be intimidated by the fees of divorce lawyers. I offer a free confidential initial consultation, where you can freely discuss your options and I’ll fully explain any concerns that you may have in regard to cost. All you need to do is set an appointment. It’s possible to get much more in the settlement through the help of family law attorney, which is worth more than the cost charged. There are more important things to ponder on than just exhaust your time and energy thinking about the arduous process of divorce. Get the help of the experts and leave your worries behind.

Here’s the two most important points that I tell my clients to consider when going through a divorce:

Dividing the marital assets can be the hardest part of any divorce—keep emotions and spite out of this. If you want to get to survive this divorce with all of your fingers, toes and a fair share of the assets then heed my advice. The calmer you approach this, the better off all involved parties will be.

As I mentioned earlier, children always come first. If you have children, it is important to think about them first.  Yes – the divorce is most likely all about you, but you still need to think as a parent. If you are the non-custodial parent, you need to make sure that your “ex” has everything necessary to care for your children comfortably. I know it’s tempting to want to take everything, but you probably don’t want your children sleeping on the floor or drinking out of paper cups, right? I work with my clients to maintain a fair and balanced approach, ensuring that the kids are fully taken care of as a first priority.

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